

Incident profile


Incident title
Type of incident
  • Incident within an establishment
  • Transportation Incident
  • Near Miss
  • Other
Start date and suspected start time of incident
21-08-2018 13:43:03
End date and suspected end time of incident
21-08-2018 13:43:10

Location / Site

Incident Location (Description)
Country and region of incident
European Union
ZIP City
Site activity
  • general chemicals manufacture
  • petrochemical, refining, processing
  • plastics and rubber manufacture
  • pesticides, pharmaceuticals, other fine chemicals
  • power supply and distribution (electric, gas, etc.)
  • water and sewage (collection, supply, treatment)
  • waste treatment, disposal
  • wholesale and retail storage and distribution (includes LPG bottling and bulk distribution, tank storage farms, cold storage distribution warehousing, etc.
  • handling and transportation centres (ports, airports, lorry parks, marshalling yards, etc.)
  • ceramics (bricks, pottery, glass, cement, plaster, etc.)
  • metal refining and processing (includes foundries, electrochemical refining, plating, etc.)
  • electronics and electrical engineering
  • shipbuilding, shipbreaking, ship repair
  • general engineering, manufacturing and assembly
  • agriculture
  • medical, research, education (includes hospitals, universities, colleges, etc.)
  • textiles, clothing and footwear
  • paper manufacture, printing, publishing
  • food and drink
  • timber and furniture
  • building and works of engineering construction
  • fairgrounds/amusements
  • other

Short report

Accident Types

Release Water Fire Explosion Transport Other
Description: gas/vapour/mist/etc release to air solid release to ground

Substances Directly Involved

Toxic EcoToxic Flammable Explosive Other
Description: Trichloroisocyanuric acid dry: hazardous to the acuatic envionment E1 Aquatic Acute 1 and P8 Oxidising Solid Category 2

Immediate Sources of Incident

Storage Process Transfer Other
Description: A plastic package (big-bag type) loaded with aproximately 300 kg of trichlororoisocyanuric acid dry was inside an small storehouse at the production area of the plant. During a severe storm with heavy rains and winds, some water came into contact with this very reative substance, causing its chemical decomposition and giving off toxic fumes of hypochlorous and cyanuric acids.

Suspected Causes - 1

Plant Human Factor Environmental Other
Description: A plastic package (big-bag type) loaded with aproximately 300 kg of trichlororoisocyanuric acid dry was inside an small storehouse at the production area of the plant. During a severe storm with heavy rains and winds, some water came into contact with this very reative substance, causing its chemical decomposition and giving off toxic fumes of hypochlorous and cyanuric acids.

Suspected Causes - 2

Intentional Release Unintentional Release

Suspected Causes - 3

Equipment Human Factor Environmental 3rd Party Other

Immediate Event Consequences

Deaths Injuries EcoHarm Heritage Loss Material Loss Disruption Other

Emergency Measures Taken

On Site Systems External Services Shelter Evacuation Decontamination Restoration Other

Immediate Lessons Learned

Prevention Mitigation Other
Description: Setting up an storehouse for waste materials with better safety conditions against external events Reinforcement training for operators in charge of packaging, handling and store Drawing up trainning materials (safety sheets) for on site operators and contractors dealing with waste products